Sunday, March 25, 2012

Something New

Sorry it's been a while....
But it's been mad with Gemma, her Grandfather has been getting on her nerves... 


Gemma had a 4 days off work so She started to clean her room... What is going on I was thinking...
She has finished reading Twilight and Past it on to me but only gave it to me Saturday Night and I have almost finished now since she taken the photo.

So anyway Neil stayed round ours Thursday Night and he brought Camarel which was lovely I get to cuddle up to him and everything.
By the morning everyone was up early including Gemma's Mother Diane, we got in the car and of course they brought me and Camarel so we shared the seat sitting next to Diane who was talking to us. We arrived at bostworthes garden centre, for a drink and a small sandwich, then we were off again on the road off to MK which was great. We were left behind with Diane because they wanted to go in other things.

By the time they came back we were getting hungry so we were happy to see them and they had a big bag from Build A Bear workshop and wow they got us some things..
Clothes each, underpants both, socks and a passport for us bears...



  1. Did you redress your bear?? And this is sweet <3 Why do your blog sound better than me???
